Ansys 2025 R1: Enhanced Graphics, Transient Post-Processing & Fluent Web Interface

Improved graphics performance and interactivity for rendering large surfaces and meshes

  • Performance is dramatically improved for cases with many zones.
  • Improved interactivity: more responsive panning, zooming, and rotating (best for low number of zones with high facet count)

Example case: 1 zone, 150 million faces

Rotate: FPS 0-1 (24R2) vs 55-65 (25R1)

Zoom:  FPS 0-1 (24R2) vs 15-25 (25R1)

Pan:      FPS 0-1(24R2) vs 55-65 (25R1)

Initial mesh display time: 760s (24R2) vs 350s (25R1)


Transient Post-Processing

  • Transient post-processing of multiple time steps within Fluent (only for static meshes in the first release, recommended for small cases)
  • Read the last data file of a sequence to access all previous steps with the Timestep Selector
  • Create transient animations after the calculation is finished


Ansys Fluent Web Interface

This is a single workflow interface from meshing (β) to solving to post-processing available directly in a web browser. Fluent is launched on a local machine and accessed by users with different levels of editing rights. This makes collaboration easier and reduces time spent on making changes and/or sharing results.

It is a new feature that is constantly being improved and enriched with tools like auto-refreshing the window with results, panel rescaling, widgets, etc.

The 2025 R1 comes up:

  • Additional physics – DPM model and particle post-processing, adjoint solver, species model with volumetric reactions, Volume-of-Fluid model, etc.
  • Fluent Meshing Watertight Workflow (beta)
  • Post-processing and animations enhancements
  • Notification about invalid or incomplete settings
  • Multi-edit options for cell zones and boundary conditions, etc.

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